The DuCharme Architecture design process, led by Laura DuCharme Conboy, AIA, involves the creation of inspiring and engaging custom single family residences. Our client and project-specific approach ensures the final design to be a personal fit, whether contemporary or traditional. Ultimately, we create spaces that enhance and enrich peoples' lives, and we take that very personally.
We believe in the ability of great design and pride ourselves in creating memorable landmark projects. Our commitment to the client, design focused on proportion, scale and both interior and exterior detailing has earned us both community and professional recognition. Since our beginnings in 1992, the firm has won prestigious awards and been recognized in numerous publications including Elle Décor, San Diego Home & Garden Lifestyles, Tuscan Style, Fine Homebuilding and Better Homes and Gardens.
Laura DuCharme Conboy, AIA, LEED, AP
Architect, Principal and Owner, DuCharme Architecture

1981 Bachelor of Architecture, cum laude, Arizona State Univerity
1987 California Architectural License
1995 NCARB Accreditation
2009 LEED Accreditation
View Videos:
Laura DuCharme Conboy, AIA, Interview
Lecture Presented to the La Jolla Historical Society
"Can Good Architecture be Regulated"
• American Institute of Architects, San Diego Chapter, 2004 Citation Award
• San Diego International Chapter American Concrete Institute, 2004 Single Residential Building Award• San Diego Home & Garden Lifestyles Bath of the Year, 2016
• San Diego Home & Garden Lifestyles Home of the Year, 2007
• American Plywood Association 1994 Innovations in Housing, Citation of Merit
• Design Competition Affordable Housing/Building a City of Neighbors, 1994 Winning Scheme for La Jolla Site